Saturday, July 25, 2015

The last message, the very last message. The farewell

Thank you for being there for me when I needed someone the most, and making it feel safe, making it feel like it was okay to say whatever I want to. Last chapter of my life was amazing despite the terrible part of the relationship (I'm seriously sorry for all the scarring I done, I deeply regretted them (but our sex was great tho, no lies haha) ) and maybe they say things happen for a reason and perhaps the miscarriage did too. This was by far the best closure I could've seek and probably the one I needed. Don't get me wrong, the miscarriage was painful, it was truly traumatizing and terrifying if you recalled the first day you picked me up, I was in shock, but it was from all of that that literally got me out of being too caught up in the breakup. thank you for taking me in and being the braver person and telling your parents about everything and asking them to take me in. Being there and telling me that I'm in a safe place, telling me that it's safe to say whatever it is really did do a number on me. Is it weird to say I felt like I could trust you completely then on Thursday night when this all happened? In all honesty, the first weekend when I came back from your house, I felt calm I haven't felt in a long time, and that's when I realized after that kiss where you flinched that my feelings for you were numbed and perhaps I was overwhelmed by the break up, perhaps I was too torn over us being over to noticed, idk when it happened, I just know it did. Hey I learned a lot just like you, and in all honestly I'm afraid where things are going to go from here, but being with you this week really did a number on me too. You cheered me up when I was down and gave me hope when I lost all of them. I couldn't have gone through this whole mess without you. Thank you for staying up with me, watching Netflix, talking to me and keeping me company when you can. Thank you for making me food and heating up soup. You're the bestest ex anyone could ever ask for (okay maybe not, wth is a bestest ex, I mean kindest I guess). And always gonna be my bestest friend regardless of what happened. You're one of the things I'm grateful it happened. Thanks for teaching me the falcon punch, the beast mode, and reminding me how terrible of a gamer (ufc fighter) I am on Xbox. Haha it was fun. Thanks for everything, not to mention the "I told you I was gonna get you to eat Mexican food" like seriously we ate Mexican food before how can you not remember (and I don't mean chipotle) this but whatever. But Truly, thank you.

I'm truly speechless.... I always wanted to give you as much closure as possible. I also wanted to be nice, especially because I had an opportunity to do so, and whenever you have a chance to help someone you should. Especially because life is very funny and you never know what turns it'll take.

Thank you as well for everything, I had a blast dating you and I'm happy I did!

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